Discover Jim Beam Apple Bourbon Liqueur, a refreshing twist on a classic flavor. Learn about this crisp blend & explore our cocktail recipes online.
Discover Jim Beam® Bourbon. Made for over 200 years using a secret family recipe. The world’s #1 Kentucky bourbon and an American tradition.
Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey As American as apple pie and a testament to quality, tradition and passion, Jim Beam is the best-selling brand of bourbon in the world. Seven generations of craftsmanship go into every bottle, along with corn, rye, barley malt, water, time and pride. Jim Beam is...
Jim Beam Apple Whiskey Liqueur 度数:35%vol 容量:700ml 产区:美国(USA) 名列前茅 JIM BEAM是世界排名名列前茅的波本威士忌, 是美国本土的烈酒。其设计分别在瓶身的正面和背面延续了BEAM家族的瓶颈签字风格,瓶底部突出BEAM家族的首写字母‘B’,与JIM BEAM LOGO吻合。
【1件代发】JimBeam金宾波本威士忌白占边750ml美国进口洋酒批发 上海盛卫贸易有限公司11年 上海市松江区 ¥37.00成交187笔 金宾波本威士忌占'边白Jim'Beam洋酒750ml 上海九恒商贸有限公司5年 上海市 ¥94.00成交0笔 白占边波本威士忌BOURBON WHISKEYJimBeam金宾波本 大容量1L ...
白占边波本威士忌 BOURBON WHISKEY Jim Beam 金宾波本 大容量1L 上海祈圣贸易有限公司9年 上海市 ¥60.00成交0笔 行货白占边波本威士忌金宾波本Jim Beam 白占边威士忌美国 上海玖弗贸易有限公司5年 上海市 ¥142.00成交0笔 美国进口洋酒JIM BEAM BLACK金宾波本威士忌黑牌黑占边威士忌 ...
Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey As American as apple pie and a testament to quality, tradition and passion, Jim Beam is the best-selling brand of bourbon in the world. Seven generations of craftsmanship go into every bottle, along with corn, rye, barley malt, water, time and pride. Jim Beam is...
Discover Jim Beam® Bourbon. Made for over 200 years using a secret family recipe. The world’s #1 Kentucky bourbon and an American tradition.
Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 度数:40%vol 容量:750ml 产区:美国(USA) 品鉴记录 观色: 温暖琥珀色 香气: 浓厚的饴糖芳香 口感:中等酒体,带丝质顺滑口感 余味:余味悠长,烟熏胡桃香气伴随着清香肉桂微辣感。 饮用方法 占边波本威士忌之所以广受欢迎,除了厚醇的风味,多样性的饮用方法也是主因,它可以...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现金宾波本威士忌 BOURBON WHISKEY Jim Beam 白占边波本威士忌洋酒的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于金宾波本威士忌 BOURBON WHISKEY Jim Beam 白占边波本威士忌洋酒的信息,请来