If you are unable to log into Jiffy Lube University due to an IP Address related issue, please contact the Jiffy Lube GROW Support Desk (888-333-4767) to report your issue. The Jiffy Lube GROW Support Desk will dial into your service center and capture a screen shot of your JLU login ...
Jiffy Lube service center employees are automotive technicians who have completed Jiffy Lube University, an award-winning program. We are an ASE accredited training provider.
Jiffy Lube customer service is ranked #501 out of the 1024 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 32.13 out of a possible 200 based upon 150 ratings. This score rates Jiffy Lube customer service and customer support as Disappointing. ...
Keeping Learning Well-Oiled: Jiffy Lube University Offers 10 Certifications-Including Training Courses on Customer Service, Management, Technical Procedures, and Service Standards-To Prepare 21,000 Employees to Serve 22 Million Customers Each YearKeeping...