音频列表 1 Krishnamurti - On the Nature of Love - 1982 Ojai California - 1 of 2 4342015-05 2 Krishnamurti - On the Nature of Love - 1982 Ojia California - 2 of 2 2082015-05 查看更多 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 巴凡 4039713.2万 简介:耳无眼根亦可阅,声在虚空因缘闻...
Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes On Mind, Thinking To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still. Jiddu Krishnamurti Right thinking is not possible without thought freeing itself from prejudice and identification. Jiddu Krishnamurti Ambition produces certain industrial benefits, but ...
Discover the profound wisdom of Jiddu Krishnamurti through his thought-provoking quotes. Explore topics such as education, spirituality, violence, self-awareness, and the power of love. Let his words challenge your beliefs and inspire personal transforma
Bruce Leethe first Chinese star to break the international market, impacted popular culture with his own iconoclastic approach to self defense, Jiddu Krishnamurti is often sited as a conceptual influence. Kangana Ranaut on Playing Indira Gandhi in ‘Emergency’ and Balancing Acting With Politics: ‘...
"Krishnamurti possesses great possibilities within himself. He is on the right path, but he will not fulfill himself or become truly great as long as he does not come to visit me." However, the meeting never took place. Lord Meher ; Bhau Kalchuri - Vol.4 p1469 ...
JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI,Krishnamurti to Himself It is only those who are in constant revolt that discover what is true, not the man who conforms, who follows some tradition. It is only when you are constantly inquiring, constantly observing, constantly learning, that you find truth, God, or love....
克里希那穆提(JidduKrishnamurti) JidduKrishnamurti JidduKfishnamurtiIndiaisaBrahminfamilyofeighthchildren. TwentiethCenturyisthemostremarkable,thegreatest spiritualmentor,bornwiththeirpowers.BesuretoBuddhists inIndia"medium"and"Zen"mentor,andHindusinIndiaadmits heisonetosleep. JidduKfishnamurti(Jiddu,...
声音(2)评价(0) 正序 | 倒序 1 Krishnamurti - On the Nature of Love - 1982 Ojai California - 1 of 2 4382015-05 2 Krishnamurti - On the Nature of Love - 1982 Ojia California - 2 of 2 2102015-05 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 ...
His writing is huge to what we're doing/believing. Reading his book, Education & the Significance of Life, was/is extremely resonating/cleansing/detoxifying. (every time) krishnamurti partial law: This goes with our thinking on google time. Twenty percen
Krishnamurti's aim was to set humanity free. He maintained that the individual is freed by becoming aware of their own psychological conditioning, and that this awakening will enable them to give love to another. Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes Famous quotes by Krishnamurti on life love and truth ...