Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Talks on educationThe Essence of TeachingJiddu Krishnamurti is acknowledged as a foremost spiritual educator in India as well as in other parts of the world including Britain and the USA. His public taSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Discover the profound wisdom of Jiddu Krishnamurti through his thought-provoking quotes. Explore topics such as education, spirituality, violence, self-awareness, and the power of love. Let his words challenge your beliefs and inspire personal transforma
Education should help us to discover lasting values so that we do not merely cling to formulas or repeat slogans; it should help us to break down our national and social barriers, instead of emphasizing them, for they breed antagonism between man and man. Unfortunately, the present system of ...
Education as Service J. (Jiddu) Krishnamurti著 完结 教育 外文 1.5万字|6037人气|0个赞 免费阅读 下载本书 扫码下载,免费移动阅读 3人评分 支持所有用户,全站免费下载得间免费小说书籍简介目录(10章) In long past lives the author of this little book had much to do with educational work, and he...
Jiddu Krishnamurti: A Great Teacher of Humanistic EducationZamirul Islam
Rajesh Kumar SinghDiet RohtasSasaramJETIR(www.jetir.org)