A member of an Apache tribe formerly inhabiting southeast Colorado and northern New Mexico and ranging eastward to the Great Plains, with a present-day population in northern New Mexico. [American Spanish(Apaches de la) Jicarilla,(Apaches of the) Jicarilla, probably diminutive ofjícara,chocola...
Jicarilla Apache Nation Tribal Court Handbook (2009)Journal StaffTribal Law
Due to high wind and low humidity there is a open fire ban on the Jicarilla Apache Nation No open fires allowed. Thank you for helping us protect the Nation and it's resources. This ban will remain in effect until otherwise noted. ...
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events. Email Sign up Contact Us Better yet, see us in person! We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours. Jicarilla Apache Nation Dulce, New Mexico, United States ...
The meaning of JICARILLA is a member of an Apache people originally of southeastern Colorado, northern New Mexico, and adjacent areas and now living chiefly in northern New Mexico.
Information about counting in Jicarilla https://camnnation.org/history/apache-language/ https://www.zompist.com/numbers.shtml https://interglacial.com/d/jicarilla If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me....
Daniel W. Hart
Jicarilla Apache Nation Liquor OrdinanceGeorge T. Skibine
Jicarilla Apache Nation,1 which many hoped would finally bring some clarity to the nagging issue of the "fiduciary exception" to the attorney-client privilege. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court's opinion carefully avoids any decision on the issue. The opinion and the oral argument that preceded ...
Jicarilla Apache Nationfederal trust responsibilityfederal trusteeThis brief article considers the potential implications of the United States Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Jicarilla Apache Nation. The case difKronk Warner, Elizabeth Ann...