Li R,Li Y,van den Brink M,et al.The capacities of institutions for the integration of ecosystem services in coastal strategic planning:The case of Jiaozhou Bay[J].Ocean&Coastal Management,2015,107:1-15.Li R, Li Y, van den Brink M, et al. The capacities of institutions for the ...
change and distribution characters of heavy metals in the sediment of estuary,sediment grain size,Acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals(SEM,including Fe,Mn,Sr,Ba,Cr,V,and Co) were analyzed in three sediment short column cores collected form Licun estuary of Jiaozhou Bay...
A field study on the conversion ratio of phytoplankton biomass carbon to chlorophyll-a in Jiaozhou Bay, China A one-year field study was conducted to determine the conversion ratio of phytoplankton biomass carbon (Phyto-C) to chlorophyll- a (Chl- a ) in Jiaozhou Ba... S Lü,X Wang,B ...
提要 通过对胶州湾东北部滨海湿地5个站点盐渍土壤和其上生长的碱蓬中的微量碱金属、碱土 金属Li、Rb、Cs、Sr、Ba的系统研究,发现盐渍土壤中Li、sr和Ba的含量高于我国土壤背景值,Rb、 cs的含量特别是cs的含量低于我国土壤的背景含量,盐渍土壤中Li/Cs比值和Ba/Sr比值较为接近, 并且Li和cs、sr和Ba之间具有显著的...
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In appearance, there are six business in Jiaozhou.They look different,dancing is also not the same. Which is particularly worth mentioning is the Xiaoman.It is on the girl's name, until now Jiaozhou also called the little girl. (In addition, Jiaozhou Yangge Folk Dance also has exquisite...