江振辉,男,擅长普外科常见病的诊治。 专家个人网站://z.xywy.com/doc/jzh08597天前在线访问个人网站 普外科常见病的诊治。 图文咨询 江振辉患者投票 肠套叠 阿米巴腹膜 疗效: % 满意度 态度: % 满意度 我要投票 分享就医经验 更多>> 为[江振辉医生]写看病经验,并分享你的观点(把看病经验分享给其他患者) ...
实验任务1 #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { float a, b, c, x1, x2; float delta, real, imag; printf("Enter a, b, c: "
Zhenhui (Jack) Jiang is Professor and Area Head of Innovation and Information Management at HKU Business School. Prior to joining the University of Hong Kong, he was Professor of Information Systems and Analytics at National University of Singapore (NUS). He was Chair of SIGHCI of Association f...
实验任务1: 不能,应为函数只能返回一个值。 实验任务2: #include <stdio.h> long long fac(int n); int main() { int i,n; printf("Enter n: "); scanf("%d"