Jiang Ziya: Directed by Teng Cheng, Li Wei. With Guanlin Ji, Guangtao Jiang, Lu Li, Xin Shan. Banished to the mortal world, a warrior has to slay a demon to return to the heavenly realm and become a god.
A scene from “Jiang Ziya: Legend of Deification.” “JIANG ZIYA: Legend of Deification” is a Chinese animated feature that is based loosely on the classic fantasy novel “Feng Shen Bang” or “The Investiture of the Gods.” This movie is the second instalment in Beijing Enlight Pictures’...
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Jiang Ziya: Teng Cheng, Li Wei द्वारा निर्देशित. Guanlin Ji, Guangtao Jiang, Lu Li, Xin Shan के साथ. स्वर्ग से निष्कासित एक योद
Jiang Ziya: Regia di Teng Cheng, Li Wei. Con Guanlin Ji, Guangtao Jiang, Lu Li, Xin Shan. Esiliato nel mondo mortale, un guerriero deve uccidere un demone per tornare nel regno celeste e diventare un dio.