Professor Borjian is probably the best professor I've had at Rutgers. Her classes made everyone feel included, and she had great lectures. I learned so much from this class, and I recommend her class to everyone. The first half of the class is worksheets, and there are 3 papers and a...
如:X,很多教授或学校及学院的官方号会将其作为自己的社交平台之一,发布相关招聘信息,有时,我们甚至可以直接利用这些社交软件的“私信”功能或留言功能和这些教授直接交流,相比于发邮件,这也是一种很直接的联系方式,如下图所示。 另外,推荐一个国外的平台Rate my professor: 可以通...
based on the rich experiences obtained from huge number of patients, the Chinese ophthalmologists have a loader voice in the international arena. Dr. Jialiang Zhao, Dr. Kanxing Zhao, Dr. Xiaoxin Li, and Dr. Ningli Wang have successively been elected as members of International Council of Ophth...
Rate My Professor Helper1.2.2精选 下载:点击下载 谷歌商店 教程: Chrome 浏览器插件下载&安装教程(图文讲解)截图: 上一张 Rate My Professor Helper chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 Rate My Professor Helper chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 直接在学校的注册页面上显示您大学的教授评分。 正式教授...
According to Professor Shenlin Liu, patients with GC have weak immunity, a compromised spleen and stomach, and the presence of residual blood clots and cancerous toxins in their internal organs. These factors contribute to the spread of tumors. Therefore, clearing blood stagnation and balancing ...
and you’ll need to still chew it after class. However, it may not be necessary to absorb everything completely. If you are enlightened by one or two points of a professor, that’s already a big gain, because you’ll definitely reap great benefits if you can successfully apply these two...
Below are my views towards some issues. Due to time constraints, I only selected 3 important modules as I thought at this moment. 3-1【User demand and scenario】 Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business School, has a classic point of view. He says that users aren't buying a product...
This is the sweetest professor I have ever had and he is so knowledgeable. His exams are extremely fair and he responds to emails very quickly. He also clearly cares about his students, he gave everyone an easy assignment that took 1 minute to complete to increase our midterm grades by 15...
First of all,each courses in college is chosen after many professor discuss and which is encorage student develop all kinds of study. College chose every courses for every level student what time should learn. It's important to learn in life each time. If students chose skipping class he wi...