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Haruki WatanabeThe University of Tokyo Hoi Chun PoHong Kong University of Science and Technology Xiao-Gang WenProfessor of Physics, MIT Jordan CotlerSociety of Fellows, Harvard University Ying RanBoston CollegeFollowChao-Ming Jian Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Cornell University ...
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the Excellent Paper award of International Decision-making Science Summit Forum, and the first prize of high-end paper of Shanghai University. According to Google Scholar, her research results have been cited for more than 2700 times, the H index is 29, and the highest cited time of a singl...
(2) Ekserdjian mines the contents of another document--an inventory of the belongings of Francesco Balardo, a close friend and patron of the artist- with unprecedented thoroughness...Mary Vaccaro
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Izady, A.; Davary, K.; Alizadeh, A.; Ghahraman, B.; Sadeghi, M.; Moghaddamnia, A. Application of “panel-data” modeling to predict groundwater levels in the Neishaboor Plain, Iran. Hydrogeol. J. 2011, 20, 435–447. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
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