登录网址:https://my.jh.edu/myJH/ 系统将提示您“接受Office 365服务条款”,以便设置要使用的帐户。向下滚动到底部以接受。 一旦接受服务条款,您将在门户页面左侧看到“Office 365快速链接”。 您的电子邮件现在应该已建立,“电子邮件提醒”可能需要一个小时才能从您的记录中删除,可以从myJHU网站的主页访问此电子...
答案是肯定的!其实JHU教育学院有设立就业服务办公室(Career Services office),而且不论是教育学院还是大学,都为JHU学生及校友免费提供了全方位的就业支持。 今天我们就根据教育学院就业服务办公室(Career Services office)的官网内容,一起来详细了解一下~ 职业发展资源—在校生 Hopkins Smile SMILE是大学体验式学习平台,...
PR, Media relations方面的教授较多,他们都有office hour, 也可以通过电话和邮件联系,都很responsive.三...
MS in Education International Teaching and Global Leadership Cohort Ms in Real Estate and Infrastructu...
Office 365 Users Office 365 Video [DEPRECATED] OK dokument (Independent Publisher) OMDb (Independent Publisher) OneBlink OneDrive OneDrive for Business Oneflow OneNote (Business) OneNote Consumer (Independent Publisher) One-Time Secret (Independent Publisher) Oodrive Sign Open Brewery DB (Independent Pub...
On Nov. 6, Former President Donald J. Trump was announced as the winner of the 2024 presidential election over Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump received 295 electoral votes, including decisive votes from various swing states, compared to Harris’ 226, and will return to office for a second...
Office of Zhejiang University. He has been selected as a young top-notch talent in the national "Ten Thousand Talents Program", a famous teacher of university network education in colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education, and is currently the chairman of the Popular Media and ...
[Office of the Provost], who will look at all the ways in which we're currently doing Baltimore-based research at the University, and then take a look at whether we should consolidate the outreach of Hopkins into one office where it's easier to connect with the f...
Request tran evaluation sent directly from evaluator to School of Education CV + PS + 托福或雅思官方送分+ WES/ECE 认证成绩单;美本学生的成绩单必须由美本院校向JHU教育学院 Admission Office 直接寄送。不接受学生本人寄送的任何材料。 Step 3 : SOE教育学院面试(仅针对标化条件不足的学生) ...