JheneAikoChina 2018-12-18 21:06来自秒拍网页版 今日大惊喜!Jhené Aiko新歌 Wasted Love Freestyle 2018于Soundcloud放出 MP3试听:O网页链接提取码:c0fz 试听视频 LJheneAikoChina的秒拍视频 û 9 6 ñ10 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 ...
Aiko goes on to declare her ex-partner as her wasted love but it is unclear as to whether she has truly found closure for herself as she continues to contemplate where and when the relationship grew awry: “How did we get away from love? / How did love get away from us?” she sings...
Michael Bezjian/Wireimage/Getty Images In support of theirrecent collaborative albumTWENTY88,Big SeanandJhene Aikohave reconnected for a new short film. EntitledOut of Love, the piece runs for 15 minutes and is available for viewing exclusively on TIDAL. The film features a great deal of music...