Police Jobs in Jharkhand Govt Jobs 2024 It is another big part of a state government's system. This one manages and keeps the other work run smoothly and let people live in peace. To keep the citizen in discipline Police is necessary. The Police job is a great career opportunity for job...
Ranchi Range DIG Akhilesh Jha asserted that a large number of police forces have been deployed in this campaign along with drones and tractors. The state is making efforts to destroy the opium crop completely in the region, he said. Strict action will be taken against those who are involved ...
周二(2024年1月9日),纳尔逊·平格拉(Nelson Bhengara)被印共(毛)武装小队枪杀。《新印度快报》的报道写道:““突然,一队毛派突袭了建筑工地,对他大打出手,指控他是警方的线人。在他失去知觉后,毛派开枪打死了他,”一位要求匿名的当地人说。他补充说,毛派还在现场留下了几张传单和横幅,指控平格拉是警方的线...