需要有好的点子,好的数据和扎实的写作功夫,毕竟是nature index期刊,就如4楼说的,即使是哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、加州理工学院之类的地球科学领域学者,在jgr期刊上发表论文,通常视为一项被广泛认可的学术成就。 经验总结 根据网友反映,虽然《Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth》影响因子不高,但是该期刊属于领域...
初次投稿50天后,变成了With editor for decision.从状态来看,经历了两次under review.祈福!希望Waiting...
【分享】JGR-Solid Earth-初审意见20 246021/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 查看: 2936 | 回复: 19 只看楼主@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 相关版块跳转 地学 我要订阅楼主 zhangwei_cug 的主题更新 20 246021/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 ...
信号的启示(Stick-slip nucleation and failure in uniform glass beads detected by acoustic emissions in ring-shear experiments: Implications for Identifying the acoustic emissions of earthquake foreshocks)”为题,于2023年9月发表...
研究成果以“跨越九个数量级的颗粒介质摩擦强度速率效应(Variation in Granular Frictional Resistance Across Nine Orders of Magnitude in Shear Velocity)”为题,于2024年7月9日发表于《Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth》(...
该研究成果近期以题为“Comparative rock magnetic study of Eocene volcanogenic and sedimentary rocks from Yunnan, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, and its geological implication”发表于杂志Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth上。中科院青藏高原研究所博士研究生申苗苗为第一作者。本研究获中国科学院A类战略性...
《Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth》是一本由Wiley-Blackwell出版的Earth and Planetary Sciences-Geophysics学术刊物,该刊是国际一流期刊,主要刊载Earth and Planetary Sciences-Geophysics相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造一种学术水平高、可读性强、具有
JGR: Solid Earth provides a venue for special issues and special themes based on conferences, workshops, and community initiatives. JGR: Solid Earth also publishes Commentaries on research and emerging trends in the field; these are commissioned by the editors, and suggestion are welcome. ...
(Wei W, Lin W, Chen Y, Faure M, Ji W, Hou Q, Yan Q, Wang Q. Tectonic controls on magmatic tempo in an active continental margin: Insights from the Early Cretaceous syn-tectonic magmatism in the Changle-Nan'ao Belt, South China[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2023...
近日,地学领域国际顶级期刊、自然指数期刊(NI68)之一的《Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth》发表了地球科学与信息物理学院测绘与遥感科学系2017级硕士研究生郭磊的成果“The surge of the Hispar Glacier, Central Karakoram: SAR 3D flow velocity time series and thickness changes”(Doi: 10.1029/2019...