商标名称 JGTECH 国际分类 第17类-橡胶制品 商标状态 商标转让 申请/注册号 11972547 申请日期 2012-12-28 申请人名称(中文) 捷飞凯希有限公司;JGGLOBALLIMITED 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 中国香港九龙长沙湾荔枝角路822号东翼2楼;EAST WING 2/F 822 LAI CHI KOK ROAD CHEUNG SHA WAN KL HK ...
The film industry is experiencing a revolution like never before, thanks to cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Join us as we explore how these tech innovations are reshaping the way movies are made, viewed, and experienced. Get ready to be transported in...
Although your drivers and processors play an important role in making the laptop quite efficient, the display determines how good the viewing experience is. The main things to consider include screen size, screen type, and resolution. The good thing about a large screen is that it makes it eas...
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Easy to use The binary options trade using robots usually seems to be very complex to many. A majority of people simply go by the imagination of how integrating a software to your trading might require some good tech background. The truth of the matter is that using the robots is a lot...
2024年12月11日,由香港社会服务联会主办的"SocTech Symposium 2024社创及科技研讨会"在香港会议展览中心盛大召开。本次研讨会以"引领创新,转变社会服务发展:善用人工智能、数据应用和网络安全"为主题,旨在探讨数字转型策略,分享最新趋势,并抓住生成式人工智能(AI)带来的机遇,推动社会服务的智能化发展。作为本次...
极光(JG.US)入选2024 OpenCloudOS 社区年度贡献单位名单 格隆汇01/02 12:34 美股异动 | 公司宣布500万美元股票回购计划 极光(JG.US)涨超4% 智通财经2024/12/30 22:42 热议 美股 综合热度 股票代码 最新价 涨跌幅 TSLA 特斯拉 410.440 +8.22% NVDA 英伟达 144.470 +4.45% CRNC Cerence 19.330 +143.76% ...
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Data of Qingyuan High-tech Zone in South China's Guangdong province indicated that the industrial added value of the high-tech zone in the first quarter rose 11.3 percent year-on-year. The fixed-asset investment of the whole society increased by 21.6 percent year-on-year, among which the in...