importjavax.swing.JFrame;//导入方法依赖的package包/类protectedvoidsetUp()throwsException{// UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new;// UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new;PropUtils.forceRadioButtons=false;try{/...
Asycrhonously meaning I'm running a process that is taking time and while it's running I want a simple JFrame status "processing..." type pop up. The problem is I can get the popup to come up, but the text won't appear until processing is done. I can get it to work if I th...
有一个叫做"AWT Event Dispatch Thread“的线程,它负责UI组件的更新。如果它忙于执行你的长时间运行的...
[How To Ask Questions On JavaRanch] Suraj Chandran Ranch Hand Posts: 53 posted 16 years ago Ye, the previous reply was right for the literal meaning of your question, but I wonder did you actually wanted a MDI kind of thing in which case you should use DesktopPanes and JInternalFrame...