- CPU speed could not be measured. - Start of flash programming - Programming range 0x0C000000 - 0x0C00FFFF ( 1 Sector, 64 KB) - ERROR: Programming failed @ address 0x1FFFCF54 (program error) - End of flash programming - ERROR: Program failed - Start of restoring - End of restoring...
CoreIDFound&=Mask;CoreIDEntered&=Mask;if(CoreIDFound!=CoreIDEntered){returnError;// Core ID check failed.} Target RAM settings The target RAM is used during flash programming to store the RAMCode. This RAM is called work RAM. The “Target RAM settings” define the start address and the ...
("Could not find J-Flash at", _PATH_JFLASH_EXE) input("Press <Return> to exit...") return -1 # # Go through jobs and start J-Flash instance for each job # print("Starting J-Flash...") for JobInfo in _aJobs: aCmd = [_PATH_JFLASH_EXE] # The first arg passed to ...