Another Center of Integration alumnus, David Worcester, took over the “Interpreter” role after Duby’s death in 1967, and at that time the group splintered into a number of factions, one of which was Servants of Awareness. (If you’ve been able to follow along thus far, I commend you...
Kennedy Space Center November 29, 1963 President Johnson designates certain facilities of NASA and the Department of Defense in Cape Canaveral, Florida as the John F. Kennedy Space Center.More Funerals Oswald Funeral 4:15 p.m. Nov. 25, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald is buried in Fort Worth; ...
Seymour Hersh will eventually maintain that it is Charles Spalding, a friend of JFK and locat attorney in Palm Beach, Florida, who removes all the wedding documents related to the marriage by a justice of the peace in an early morning ceremony. Cardinal Cushing of Boston will once refer to ...
vaporizing the despised Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy was going to replace LBJ most likely with Terry Sanford of North Carolina or possibly his good friend George Smathers of Florida as VP on the 1964 Democratic ticket. The Kennedys and Lyndon Johnson were having a sub rosa fight: Jack and Ro...
We were able to establish that the $25,000 cheque had been campaign money that had been given to Maurice H Stans, Nixon's chief fundraiser, on a Florida golf course. The August 1 story on this was the first to tie Nixon campaign money directly to Watergate. I tried to call Felt, ...
We were able to establish that the $25,000 cheque had been campaign money that had been given to Maurice H Stans, Nixon's chief fundraiser, on a Florida golf course. The August 1 story on this was the first to tie Nixon campaign money directly to Watergate. I tried to call Felt, ...
Seymour Hersh will eventually maintain that it is Charles Spalding, a friend of JFK and local attorney in Palm Beach, Florida, who removes all the wedding documents related to the marriage by a justice of the peace in an early morning ceremony. Cardinal Cushing of Boston will once refer to ...
Seymour Hersh will eventually maintain that it is Charles Spalding, a friend of JFK and local attorney in Palm Beach, Florida, who removes all the wedding documents related to the marriage by a justice of the peace in an early morning ceremony. Cardinal Cushing of Boston will once refer to ...