JFK also had anolder brother, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr, who seemingly faked his death in 1944 during World War II. He was on a “radio-controlled” bomber packed with explosives. After taking off from Britain, he was expected to parachute safely and the plane would be guided by radio into...
John Jr. was warned by family members about the risks involved in his pursuit. But, he was determined to get justice for his father and bring truth to light, exposing the darkness that shrouds our planet. So ask yourself…what would you do, if you were a mere babe when your father, w...
If you looked up the definition of “Destiny” in the dictionary, you will read that it says; “the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future”. President John F. Kennedy had a destiny predetermined in terms of his life and death. He had been gro...
But what QAnon believers actually believe is constantly changing. After taking advantage of the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich and promoting dangerous ideas like Pizzagate, QAnon supporters have found a new tragedy to exploit: the death of John F. Kennedy Jr., son of the ...
"I had some calls from students, and they were more or less consoling me, like it was a death in the family or something," Professor Gaines said, adding that he was now planning a new course on how the study went astray. Two former counsels to Nixon, John W. Dean and Leonard Garmen...