首先,您可以前往Jamaica Hospital Medical Center,這是一家知名的醫療中心,提供高品質的醫療服務。此外,KolSave Market是一家超市,您可以在這裡購買到新鮮的食品和日用品。如果您想品嚐當地美食,不妨到Braccos試試,這家餐廳提供美味的意大利菜。對於喜愛運動的旅客來說,Field of Dreams是一個理想的場所,您可以在這裡...
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 980米 萨芬大道地铁站 1.0公里 牙买加-范怀克地铁站 1.1公里 Fruit & Vegetables 1.2公里 显示距离为地图标注的直线距离,实际路程可能不同。 住宿规定 儿童及加床 加床政策根据您所选定的客房而有所不同,更多详情请查看您所选定的客房人数限制。 请在搜索条件中列入准确的大人及儿童数...
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 420公尺 便利商店 7 Eleven 1.9公里 提款機 現場設有提款機 週邊景點 人氣景點 中央車站 15.2公里 中央公園 15.4公里 美國紐約大都會美術館 15.6公里 岩頂 15.6公里 帝國大廈 15.7公里 百老汇 16.1公里 時代廣場 16.1公里
According to friends in the book, she didn't like to be alone and was always on the go during her single days. She was described as a fiercely caring friend who'd be first at the hospital if someone was sick or who would call because she...
of LBJ's first daughter, Lynda Bird April 4, 1944 Jack Ruby's mother is admitted to Michael Reese Hospital as a result of a heart ailment. Her condition is complicated by an attack of pneumonia. n April 11, 1944 Fannie Rubenstein, Jack Ruby's mother, dies in Michael Reese Hospital. Al...
I have placed my boots on the ground in Africa but to say I have really visited that continent would be a misnomer. It is very near the top of my bucket list to visit. One of the places I’d really love to see is Kenya. It seems as if that nation has been most aggressive in ...
WAYNE HAWKS (WHITE HOUSE AIDE) -- "Let me have your attention, please. You wanted to talk to some of the attending physicians. I have two of them here,Dr. Malcolm Perry, an attending surgeonhere at Parkland Memorial Hospital. He will talk to you first, and thenDr. Kemp Clark, the ...
The bullet was recovered at Parkland Memorial Hospital on a gurney in the hospital corridor. It was later determined that the gurney was next to the one that carried Connally into the hospital. The single-bullet theory doesn't exclude additional shots, or additional bullets hitting the president...
,Lee Oswald was selected to make a trip to Mexico City to transport the biologically engineered materialsthat would eventually kill Castro of“natural causes,”which would actually be“lung cancer.”Following this venture, Oswald and Baker would continue to do blood tests at Jackson State Hosp...
Jack Ruby died in Dallas' Parkland Hospital — the same place where both Kennedy and Oswald were taken after they were shot — technically untried and not convicted of the crime that millions saw him commit. "A lot of people ask, 'Whatever happened to Jack Ruby?'" Fagin says. "Ruby die...