jfieldID fid;/*store the field ID*/jstring jstr;constchar*str;/*Get a reference to obj's class*/jclass cls= (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj);//第一步printf("In C:\n");/*Look for the instance field s in cls*/fid= (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls,"s","Ljava/lang/String;");/...
jni 设置jfieldid 浮点型数组 文心快码BaiduComate 在JNI(Java Native Interface)中,设置浮点型数组字段需要按照以下步骤进行: 确定JNI环境和相关类已经准备好: 确保你的Java类和本地方法已经正确声明和实现,并且已经编译生成了相应的JNI头文件(.h文件)。 获取对应的jclass引用: 在你的本地方法中,你需要获取目标Java...
struct _jfieldID; /* opaque structure */ typedef struct _jfieldID* jfieldID; /* field IDs */ struct _jmethodID; /* opaque structure */ typedef struct _jmethodID* jmethodID; /* method IDs */ Since Go seems them as pointers, a crash can occur at runtime if the GC tries to dereference...
W/PythonActivity(8828): Accessing org.renpy.android.PythonActivity is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please switch to org.kivy.android.PythonActivity. A/art(8828): art/runtime/java_vm_ext.cc:410] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: static jfieldID 0xb0673040 not valid fo...
Status:Closed Resolution:Won't Fix OS:windows CPU:generic Related Reports Relates : JDK-6178632 - Hotspot runtime support for Windows Longhorn; JVM/CLR coexistence Description Native code called by Java via the JNI interface may use jobject, jmethodID, and jfieldID to refer to Java objects, met...