protection by developing reduced-impact ironmaking processes and high-performance steel materials.JFE Steel's production bases in Japan comprise large coastal ironworks in the eastern and western parts of the country, plus the Chita Works specializing in pipes and the Sendai Works for steel rods and...
Japan's JFE Steel has scheduled a withdrawal of equipment at East Japan Works (Keihin) to be executed on September 16, Metal Expert learnt from the company's report on Q1 FY2023 (April – June 2023) results. The producer intends to close raw materials, steelmaking and rolling divisions of...
JFE Steel, a subsidiary of JFE Holdings, specializes in steel manufacturing and products. Headquarters Location No.2, No.2, 2nd Kommachi Komachi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,100-0011, Japan 03-3597-3111 Suggest an edit You're one click awayfrom the most comprehensive, unmatched analyst expertise in tech...
With the latest upgrade, JFE Steel now has access to GE’s most advanced performance improvements for an F-class combined-cycle gas turbine.Overview The announcement underscores GE’s over-15-year pledge to keep JFE’s gas turbine fleet competitive in Japan’s energy marketplace. The ...
Under this situation, JFE Steel, the second-largest steel manufacturer in Japan, announced that they will increase their supply capacity of electrical steel plates. According to JFE, the company planned to further expand the production capacity of electrical steel sheets at its West Japan Works (...
1993: NKK builds No.4 CAL & No.3 CGL in West Japan Works (Fukuyama). 1995: Kawasaki Steel completes #3 HSM in East Japan Works (Chiba). 2003: JFE Steel established from the merger of NKK and Kawasaki Steel. 2004: Acquires small equity stake in Korea's Union Steel. 2004: Signs long...
JFE 钢铁从1955 年开始率先生产和销售耐磨钢板,作为重要材料应用于工程机械、矿山机械以及农业机械等领域,深受广大客户的欢迎。 JFE 钢铁在成功开发了耐磨性超过布氏硬度500级别的超级耐磨钢之后,进一步运用先进的工艺成功开发了可在-40℃ (-40℉ ) 温度下保证低温韧性的EVERHARD-C400LE、EVERHARD-C450LE以及EVERHARD-C5...
JFE Steel's production bases in Japan comprise large coastal ironworks in the eastern and western parts of the country, plus the Chita Works specializing in pipes and the Sendai Works for steel rods and wire materials. Every facility is equipped with cutting-edge technical capabilities for the e...
Hibiya Kokusai Building, 2-3 Uchisaiwaicho 2-chome, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan Phone : (81)3-3597-3111 Fax : (81)3-3597-4860 JFE Steel America, Inc., Houston Office 10777 Westheimer, Suite 1010 Houston, TX 77042, U.S.A. Phone : (1)713-532-0052 Fax : (1)713-532-...
West Japan works (Fukuyama) JFE-HITEN 1FE-HITEN JFE'SHIGHTENSILE STRENGTH STEELPLATE PRODUCTS SPECIFIED BYTYPICAL STANDARDS SteellatesortructuralseTypeof Steel JIS ASTM EN WES ** JFEStandard90N/mm2lass90N/mm2lass90N/mm2lass90N/mm2lass80N/mm2lass80N/mm2lass80N/mm2lass80N/mm2lass G3106SM570*...