JFE Shoji Establishes Steel Processing Center in North VietnamShrestha, Saroj
The Senior office of JFE Shoji Corpration (Japan) has visited BMM on April 2014. Both had discussion on the present and future cooperation.
因位于SASC附近的日本JFE钢铁泰国镀锌公司(JSGT,年产能40万吨)已投产,该公司期待扩大产能,加工来自JSGT的镀锌板。 JFE Shoji在泰国拥有两家板卷加工中心,第一家金属加工中心(CMT)于1989年投产,加工冷轧板卷和电工钢板,年产能约18万吨,目前尚无计划在CMT加工JSGT产品。 版权所有 法钢特种钢材(上海)有限公司 2008...
Ltd. (JFE), an Australian subsidiary of JFE Shoji Corporation.The agreement included that JFE could fund the completion of the Razorback Iron Ore Project's Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS). In return, JFE would secure offtake rights for up to 10% of the planned Stage 1 production of "DR...
摘要: JFE Shoji Trade Corporation announced on Thursday the firm establishes wholly owned flat steel center with 4,000 tonnes of monthly processing capacity at AMATA Industrial Park located near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for around 1 billion yen. 年份: 2006 收藏...
Sep.02,2011 - Iron and steel JFE Shoji Trade Corporation, JFE Group’s steel trading company, is aggressively reinforcing processing facilities at overseas coil centers in order to follow the demand growth for automotive steel sheet and electrical steel sheet. Guangzhou JFE Shoji Steel Products, a...
JFE Shoji Trade Corporation announced on Tuesday it established Chinese 5th steel processing center, Guangzhou JFE Shoji Steel Products in Guangzhou. The firm builds the center for around 2.5 billion yen starting operation in June 2006. The center will process annual 70,000 tonnes of steel products...
来自JFE SHOJI STEEL HAIPHONG CO., LTD员工的公司评论:薪资待遇,奖金福利,管理层,企业文化,年终奖,年假,晋升和工作稳定性
JFE Shoji Trade Establishes Steel Processing Center in ThailandChris Lui
The move was in response to the continued weakness in demand. The Japanese steelmaker has announced the merging of JFE Shoji Usuiakenzai Corp. with JFE Seibu Usuiakenzai Corp. Sales strategy would also be shared with main plate supplier JFE Galvanizing & Coating.EBSCO_bspMetal Bulletin...