The best fish and chips in Paihia, no contest!! The best seafood and totally amazing fish and chips, in fact so good we went twice in 8 days. The batter on the fish was light and crisp, and the chips are to die for, it's very hard to stop eatin...
JFC Just Fish and ChipsJFC点评(0条点评) 写点评 0/5分 这是一片未被开拓的处女地。写点评,留下首个旅行足迹吧,游友们一定会铭记你的贡献~ 写点评你曾经游览过这里吗?快来分享你的旅行体验吧~~ 餐馆信息 更多信息 地址: 40 Marsden Road, 派希亚 新西兰 标签: 电话: +64 9-402 5113 营业...
DE, towards my car after having fish and chips with a side of curry sauce. Was heading home so I would be home in time to do my 90th day in a row of painting wine bottles on canvas as part of my #100DayProject. Earlier in the day I had shrimp and large crabs at Crab Shack i...
( ) 1. I like fish and chips. ( ) 2. Do you like noodles? ( ) 3. What did you eat yesterday? ( ) 4. I ate sandwiches last night. ( ) 5. She had rice for breakfast. 三、听短句,补全句子。 1. there was a ___ house two years ago. 2. there weren’t any ___. 3. ...
JFC Just Fish and Chips 暂无评分 暂无点评 | 写点评 你也游览过这个餐馆吗?快来留下你精彩的点评吧 概览与点评 餐厅介绍 还没有人介绍过这个景点,快来做它的第一个内容贡献者~ 欢迎投稿给我们。 地图 ◆ 注:地图位置标注仅供参考,具体情况以实际道路标实信息为准。 游友点评(0...