Assessing the role of internships in the career-oriented employment of graduating college students (2004). Assessing the role of internships in the career-oriented employment of graduating college students. Education + Training, 46(2), 82-89... Gerard,Callanan,Cynthia,... - 《Education & Trai...
11月结束!12月你好,俩月过年了。 11月结束!12月你好,俩月过年了。 19 看同行发的,冬天棉服是不好摆放快递,我也发一个,我家摆的还算好了。 看同行发的,冬天棉服是不好摆放快递,我也发一个,我家摆的还算好了。 29 化身洗车工,给你的爱车洗洗澡。 化身洗车工,给你的爱车洗洗澡。 28 100次的好,1次不...
申请(专利权)人: NISSAN MOTOR CO LTD 日産自動車株式会社 发明人:K Shinichiro,北田 眞一郎 摘要: PURPOSE:To distribute the driving force of motors stably and properly in a motor-driven vehicle on which a plurality of motors are mounted. CONSTITUTION:A number-of-revolutions detection means 3 ...