A thermal switch for use in controlling the charge in a heat storage appliance according to external air temperature has a pair of expansible liquid responsive means 14, 28 Fig. 1 associated respectively with temperature sensitive means in the appliance and in the ambient air and coupled to a ...
①.高一时身高1.66体重120斤 月经正常②.下学期开始体重一下子到130多斤③.后来晚上失眠月经两个月不来④.我去医院看医生 期间抽了三次血(多囊卵巢) 做了三次b超(子宫内膜薄)⑤.刚开始的 内分泌失调多囊卵巢 开了药(黄体酮+嗅敏亭)月经来了一次 ⑥.月经来的第二天去抽血 说多卵巢好了 医生就开了一种减...
PURPOSE:To uniformly and finely disperse wax in colored fine particles at the time of producing colored fine particles contg. wax added so as to improve anti-offsetting property. CONSTITUTION:A carbon black graft polymer is kneaded with wax at 60-200 deg.C and the wax is dispersed as fine ...