AlsoDouay Bible,Jezabel. (in the Bible) the wife of Ahab, king of ancient Israel. Oftenjezebel. a wicked, shameless woman. Discover More Other Words From Jez·e·be·li·an[jez-, uh, -, bee, -lee-, uh, n, -, beel, -y, uh, n],Jez·e·bel·ish[jez, -, uh, -bel-ish],...
The second part of the name Jezebel (and Baalazebel) comes from the rootזבל(zabal), meaning to dwell with in honor: Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary זבל The verbזבל(zabal), means to exalt or honor and occurs only once in the Bible. Noun...
This bothers me a lot but doesn't bother her at all and I have explained to her the biblical meaning of her name. Her response to the strange looks and rude comments is that the person described as Jezebel in the bible says nothing about who she (my daughter) is as a person. 评论...
The Bible tells us in Matthew 12:43 that there are levels of wickedness in Satan’s kingdom. And if there are levels of wickedness in his kingdom where some demons are actually more evil than some of the other ones will be, then I believe there may different levels of intelligence amo...
1 Kings 21:29Meaning, in Jehoram’s time,2 Kings 9:26. 1 Kings 21 New King James Version Naboth Is Murdered for His Vineyard 21And it came to pass after these thingsthatNaboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard whichwasinJezreel, next to the palace of Ahab king of Samaria.2So Ahab spoke...
摘要: Focuses on the concept of marriage found in the Bible. Comparison of God's covenant with Israel to a marriage; Evaluation of the marriage between King Ahab and Jezebel; Citation of the fidelity and loyalty exhibited by Jezebel.年份: 2004 ...
The spirit is trying to steal, kill, and destroy you! Jezebel spirit tries to : Steal your peace, joy, & confidence Kill you with sickness & accidents Destroy you with depression & fear What is the Answer? Address it in the person. Be gracious to the person, but not the spirit ...
摘要: Focuses on the concept of marriage found in the Bible. Comparison of God's covenant with Israel to a marriage; Evaluation of the marriage between King Ahab and Jezebel; Citation of the fidelity and loyalty exhibited by Jezebel.年份: 2004 ...