Define The jews. The jews synonyms, The jews pronunciation, The jews translation, English dictionary definition of The jews. n. 1. An adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture. 2. A member of the widely dispersed people originally descended from the a
The reality is that Judaism and political Zionism are total opposites, and knowledge of the difference is the key to understanding two things. One is why it is perfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist - opposed to Zionism's colonial enterprise - without being in any way, shape or ...
1) Why it is perfectly possible, with good reason on the basis of all the facts, to be passionately anti-Zionist – opposed to Zionism’s colonial enterprise – without being, in any way, shape or form anti-Semitic. (It’s worth noting that the most perceptive and devastating...
Related to Religious Jews:Judaism,Orthodox Jews </>embed</> Hasidism Hassidism Chassidism Chasidism Judaism beliefs and p... Orthodox Jew Haredi Hassidim Hasidism Hasidim Chassidim Chasidim Jewish Orthod... Jews who stri... Orthodox J... ...
To many, Zionism appears as calculated to bring about the realization of the old Jewish hope of restoration to Palestine. To others, it seems to be the only means of obviating the impossibility felt by various peoples of assimilating their Jewish population and at the same time of allowing ...
On the same time Jews were immigrating by the millions to the "new world" (mainly to the United States), a small current of Jews was heading to Palestine (Eretz Israel if to use their specific term). As opposed to a common understanding of Zionism, the future city and the neo-...
Promoting Political Candidates Who Support Zionism: A perfect example of this is the Jewish Media’s blackout of Presidential candidate Ron Paul who spoke against military & financial aid to Israel Here. Promoting Violence: Jews through their Media-control wish to create a disordered society so as...
How is this for a fun fact: A small group of anti-Zionist Jews set out to oppose Habima theatre, discredit them, have them boycotted, and remove any official support they received. These people wanted Habima, and their ‘Zionism’ sent packing. Does it sound familiar? It shouldn’t, be...
However, RP was the only one who was for Peace & Harmony (”Mutually-Assured Respect”), etc, and for stopping the servitude to Zionism. That for me was better than any other prospect given by other candidates. GS Patton November 7, 2012 @ 12:35 pm 100% RELEVANT TO THE TITLE OF ...
It transcends the realms of so called antizionism -antisemitism in its own right IMHO . It’s akin to an involuntary tic. Do you not see it as a part of your job as minister of a Jewish congregation to speak up for your people ? It’s a genuine question as I just do not get yo...