Jews who fled Ukraine in MoldovaCourtesy Dr. Sam Minskoff, a licensed clinical psychologist and aliyah consultant atIsrael National News, once again appeals to Jews everywhere, especially in Ukraine, to make aliyah while it is still feasible. The future of the Jewish people depends on it. There...
Jews in Ukraine joining in as post-election chaos rolls onMatveyev, Vladimir
Jewish residents of one city in east Ukraine were issued a flier instructing them to identify themselves, Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday, signaling that Russia's growing military presence in the region could spark a new wave of anti-Semitism in the former Soviet bloc. “Just in t...
Daria, 19, and Alina, 18, refugees from Odesa, Ukraine distribute tomatoes to a woman during preparations for the celebration of Jewish Passover at the Chabad Jewish Education Center in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, April 7. Rabbis and Jewish organizations are working round the clock within Ukra...
March 1881 Tsar Alexander II was assassinated in arrested on suspicion of a Jewish woman, then a sudden, unprecedented anti-Semitic storm. Anti-Semitic activities in southern Ukraine began to start, and soon spread throughout the country, Jews were large mob attacks, displacement and killing. Sub...
Jews in war-torn Ukraine as well as those fleeing the country are getting ready to celebrate Passover on Friday.
A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine Last Updated: January 10, 2025 Read about The Jews of Khazaria - the best general-interest book about the Khazars in English Order the improved 3rd edition (February 2018) in hardcover format: The Jews of Khazaria from ...
"Whether it is Hezbollah shooting hundreds of rockets into Israel daily, the attack on Jews in Amsterdam, the war on Ukraine, it's all the Axis of Evil waking up and trying to put the last bomb in the building that is democratic society." ...
Foxman praised President Joe Biden,who spoke at the DNC late Monday night. The ex-ADL head said that Biden had opposed Russian aggression against Ukraine, committed the US government to fight antisemitism, and supported Israel when it fell under attack on October 7. ...
Ukraine: 1. Please research the treatment of homosexuals in the Ukraine. 2. Please provide information about the treatment of ethnic Jews and those who are... Title Ukraine: 1. Please research the treatment of homosexuals in the Ukraine. 2. Please provide information about the treatment of ...