After a recent reunion at Girton I decided to get a proper grasp on the history of the institution and read the standard text on the subject of which I had heard much, ‘That Infidel Place’ by Muriel Bradbrook. It’s particularly interesting because it was written in 1969 while revolution...
Whilst it is true that Jewish history in the MENA region was better than the Jewish experience in Europe, this is hardly a difficult benchmark to pass. Peaceful co-existence’ involved the subordination and degradation of the Jews. The status of Jews as Dhimmi (second class citizens) meant t...
I have lived in six countries, including Israel. Israel was the most openly racist. It was very shocking to me. Of course in Eastern Europe horrible anti-semitism continued well after WW2 but since 1967 Israel has NOT be...
This theory held that opposing combinations of powers in Europe would be evenly matched entailing that any general war would be far too costly for any nation to risk entering. This system began to fall apart as the Ottoman Empire which had been seen as a check on Russian power began to ...
If so then I would tend to agree that there is such a power at work both in America and here in Europe and in my own country of Great Britain. However I also believe that this power is even more ancient than my own nation and indeed reaches back in time to the foundation of the...
Thefocusof the European Legal Support Center is not academic freedom at all – but rather it is ahard-corePalestinian propaganda NGO, set up to empower anti-Israel activism in Europe through ‘lawfare’. The ELSC do not care about antisemitism – and even came out to defend the disgraced ...
This element of the Jewish psyche is further illuminated by Norman Podhoretz in his self-trumpeting memoir,My Love Affair with America: [M]y own view is that what had befallen the Jews of Europe inculcated a subliminal lesson… . The lesson was that anti-Semitism, even the relatively harml...
The Khazars or “Russian jews” (Ashkenazim) converted to Pharisee-style Judaism around 700 A.D. or C.E., as you may choose to call it. To them, all other jews are “fake”, including Sephardim, Falashim, as well as the jews of India and China, who were ‘jews’ long before the...
But the monkey wrench in their machinery of world revolution was Germany, which was the key to the control of Europe. Unless Germany could be seized, or at least rendered powerless (as it now has been), world Communist victory would be impossible. ...
He says he wants all the Jews in Israel to go back to Europe. You say you want all the Jews in Europe to go back to Israel. Which one is it ? Ken Dobkin March 1, 2021 at 7:40 pm Charles is not good at answering questions Ian… I don’t think he understands them…. ?