jews' harp- a small lyre-shaped musical instrument that is placed between the teeth and played by twanging a wire tongue while changing the shape of the mouth cavity jew's harp,mouth bow musical instrument,instrument- any of various devices or contrivances that can be used to produce musical...
HarPaKhered, Harmakhis, Haroeris, Hat-Mehit, Hathor, Hauhet, Hedetet, Heket, Hemen, Hemsut, Henet, Heptet, Herishep, Heru-Behudti, Hez-Ur, Heka/Hike, Horus, Iat, Ihy, Imentet, Imhotep, Imiut, Iptet, Isis/Aset, Jah, Kebechet, Kebechsenef, Kek/Kuk/Keku, Kemur, Ken, Kh...
Brother, Bill Clinton did rape Juanita Broadderick, and he did have a child with a black prostitute, and this should be harped and harped to Hillary and ask her why she stayed with him? Was it just for political gains and she didn’t care who he raped or had sex with? sandra Jun...