Jew's harp orjew's harp(jo͞oz) n. A small musical instrument consisting of a lyre-shaped metal frame that is held between the teeth and a projecting steel tongue that is plucked to produce a soft twanging sound. [Origin unknown.] ...
Beta Israel (redirected fromJews in Ethiopia) Related to Jews in Ethiopia:Falash Mura Be·ta Israel (bā′tə) n. 1.A people of uncertain origin, living since ancient times in what is now central Ethiopia and practicing a form of Judaism. Between 1984 and 1991, most Ethiopian Jews were...
The so called "Jews" in control of the world's money, political arena, and corporations are Khazar Jews and are not of semite origin, but european instead. This is why Helen Thomas said “go home” to “Poland, Germany and America and everywhere else.” The Palestinians are the rightful...
Jew’s harp, musical instrument consisting of a thin wood or metal tongue fixed at one end to the base of a two-pronged frame. The player holds the frame to his mouth, which forms a resonance cavity, and activates the instrument’s tongue by either pluck