Thank you for your gracious offer in your charity. As you know, I am a Roman Catholic in communion with the true papacy Pope Gregory XVII and his Successors. In our Consecration to Jesus through Mary, Our Lady asks us to pray for the intentions of her Immaculate Heart – the Holy Fath...
“The the dragon was enraged with THE WOMAN (of Genesis 3:15) and went away to make WAR on the rest of her Russian, Polish, Italian, French, German, Spanish, African, Asian, Australian, European children, that is, all who obey God’s Commandments and bear witness for Jesus.”– Revel...
I thank the Lord Jesus with all my heart and soul and mind that he is my advocate covered by his precious blood. Guilty as Hell but pardoned by his love and grace. AMEN! Dear Brother Nathanael, Keep up the great work you are doing. As for the Jews who say they are Jews but lie ...