Jesus Himself, exposed the salacious lies of the Pharisees! You do not EXPOSE evil by keeping it hidden. If He just told you, the chances are you would not even believe Him. Have you ever read rites of exorcism, Sam, or some of the true experiences by these priests and ministers tha...
Reference: Jews for Jesus siteI Escaped from Hitler Twice: The Fred Wertheim Story When a Jew comes to believe in Jesus, it not only affects his life but the lives of those closest to him--his family. This was certainly the case when Steve Wertheim, the son of a Jewish immigrant, ca...
Mel Gibson has resurrected as the definitive story of the death of Jesus. Once again the world is told that it was the fault of “the perfidious Jews.” In a movie that reeks with gruesome violence unbearable even by Hollywood standards, “The Passion ...
The Ashkenazi Jews, which I have experience with honestly believe that prophecy is real, but can be manipulated. They believe that prophets see into the future, and see what was believed and said, and then write that down as much as they reveal the word of GOD. SO there is a grou...
It is why many believe she appeared in Fatima Portugal. A city named after Mohammad’s daughter. Jesus is also mentioned very positively in the Koran, they just don’t understand Christianity’s theology of the Godhead. When I explained one time to a Muslim it is not 3 Gods (like the ...
COGAT, the bureaucratic arm of Israel’s military occupation, stated that only those over the age of 55 will be allowed out of Gaza to visit the church in Jerusalem where Christians believe Jesus was buried and resurrected. Israeli occupation authorities said they would grant 500 exit permits to...
prospect of spending eternity roasting in agony in the Lake of Fire does not worry the Jews, because (1) they don’t believe in hell, and (2) they are too much in love with their riches which they steal from Christians to ever change their wicked ways and turn to the Lord Jesus. ...
‘Before Philip came to call you,’ said Jesus, ‘I SAW YOU UNDER THE FIG TREE’. NATHANAEL answered, ‘Rabbi, YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD, YOU ARE THE KING OF ISRAEL!’ Jesus replied, ‘You believe that just because I said: I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things...
“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all …” (1 Timothy 2:5) “There is one body and one Spirit … one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, ...
Some people believe he castrated himself (explains his high voice) and this matches with his auto hebephile behaviour (did not grow up). This can explain also why “his children” are 100% caucasian. My theory: as adolescent he did not want to start looking like his behated father (skin...