The blood-drenched, firsthand account of the 66–70 AD war between Rome and the Jews, as told by a Jewish rebel fighter turncoat who ended up working for the Romans. Starting with an account of the occupation of Judea by the Macedonian Seleucids and the Jewish rebellion against those ...
After that Josephus was taken to Rome where he wrote an account of the Jewish war with Rome (the ), a history of the Jews (the ), a short autobiography (the ), and a defense of the antiquity of the Jews (the ). All of these works were intended for a non-Jewish audience.McC... (BJL) is proud to partner with STAR-K CERTIFICATION that realizes that there is no substitute for a person’s own Rav. In an effort to offer a possible solution, it has launched its Institute of Halachah as a public service. Over the years, the agency’s Kashrus...
(9) Videosh (1) Vienna (1) Vietnam (1) Violin (4) Virtual Production (1) Vlodomyr Zelenskyy (1) Voice (1) Voices of Liberty (2) Wacky Wednesday (57) Waiter (1) Wales (1) Walked into a Bar (1) Walt Disney World (3) War (1) Washington (2) Washington DC (1) Wayne and...
The turncoat Josephus went to Rome, where he was rewarded with Roman citizenship, a pension and an apartment in Vespasian’s private residence. There he began writingThe Jewish War, the history for which he is best remembered. The loss of the Temple cut many of the foundations out from und...
After the death of Theodoric war broke out anew in which the Jews sided with the Goths, who, however, were defeated.Entrance to Ancient Jewish Catacombs at Rome.(From an old drawing.)Under the Early Popes. Plan of the Ghetto at Rome, 1640.(From Zeiler, "Itineraria Italiæ.") From ...
The importance of Mazaca, and hence that of Cappadocia, is shown most clearly, however, by the fact that when the Persian king, Sapor I., during his war with the Romans, besieged the city, he had 12,000 Jews massacred (M. Ḳ. 26a); it is said that the walls of Laodicea were ...
Israel at War JPOST Digital Library JPost Conferences Premium Login WEST BANK TERROR Terror shooting near Ariel in West Bank, one wounded The 18-year-old shooting victim arrived at the industrial zone of Ariel with a gunshot wound and was treated by MDA paramedics....
("Legatio ad Caium," § 23), the Jewish community in Rome owed its origin to released prisoners of war. The political importance which it had already acquired in the proceedings against Flaccus (59B.C.) shows that it did not consist merely of a few captives brought by Pompey (63B.C....
Yelamdenu, Shofeṭim (end), the nations will first bring tributes to the Messiah; then, seized by a spirit of confusion ("ruaḥ tezazit"), they will rebel and make war against him; but he will burn them with the breath of his mouth and none but Israel will remain (that is, ...