The second edition of the classic Jewish Views of the Afterlife features new material on the practical implications of Jewish afterlife beliefs, including funeral, burial, shiva, and more. With an updated look at how views on life after death have changed in recent years, Simcha Paull Raphael ...
doi:10.1177/00084298110400020512JustinJaronLewisSageStudies in Religion/sciences Religieuses
Since theKitābal-Fitanof Nuʿayim ibnḤammād(al-Khuzāʿīal-Marwzī,) who died c. 843CEhas been frequentlypinpointedasaparticularlyrichsourceofapocalyptic lore regardingthe Dajjāl, Jews, and women,myanalysis willfocus on this sourcewith some discussion of the afterlife of these ...
While he envisioned a broad audience for theMishneh Torah, Maimonides intended theGuide of the Perplexedprimarily for students accomplished in both Jewish studies and philosophy. Concerned that the Torah’s fanciful stories and anthropomorphic depictions of God might lead such students to doubt the com...
Kosher options on the road? Do we celebrate a conversion? What is the Jewish position on an afterlife? How long one should date before getting married? Crossing a line when chating on the internet. What roles can a non-Jew play in the Jewish community?
In his discussion of the afterlife in his commentary to the tenth chapter of Mishnah Sanhedrin, Maimonides compares the desire for a bodily afterlife to a king who wants to go back to playing ball with children after having attained the royal office. Who would want to return to the frivolit...
Frequently asked questions about Jewish views on these life-saving procedures. Afterlife Is There a Jewish Afterlife? Judaism is famously ambiguous about what happens when we die. Yom Kippur Yom Kippur FAQ: All About the Day of Atonement
they believed in free will instead of divine fate and did not believe in an afterlife or angels. The Sadducees believed in the absolute divine authority of the written Torah. Still, they were a non-Rabbinic branch of Judaism who believed that the Oral Torah and Rabbinic interpretation did not...
The question of keeping pets for reasons of pleasure, companionship or because they serve some useful purpose is of more recent vintage. Contemporary authorities who have considered the permissibility of keeping pets have looked to talmudic sources that offer somewhat conflicting views about the propri...
³³Thus Maimonidesaccepts both exotericand esoteric meanings, and givesar-guments in the latter thatrationallysupport the revealed views of the former. Asec-ond group claims that the secret of theGuide,hiddenbyits literary form, is thatreason and revelation, or Aristotle and theTorah, are ...