“Jewish” occurs. In only one scene is the situation in Europe referred to directly. When the fine printer from Austria pages through some of the precious volumes in the library at the homestead of the American poet William Cullen Bryant, the narrator explains that many of the books were ...
This year’s competition, hosted at Bnos Aliyah in Manhattan, brought together fierce competition, featuring 9 schools and 43 robots. Yet, even with new team members and fresh challenges, our talented students dominated the event, winning both first and second place.Traveling by Amtrak and bus ...
Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. “Students of mediation are usually surprised to discover that a Jewish mediation tradition exists and that it was an authentic and integral part of mainstream Judaism until the eighteenth century.Jewish Meditationis a step-by-step introduct...
106. On Yale's and other elite American universities growing antipathy to Jews and secret quotas on Jewish students in 1920s and 1930s, see: J. Karabel. The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005. 107. Dan A...
The key to our puzzle, we believe, is to be found in a place defined by an unsurprising relation for as dedicated a teacher as Karl Mannheim: in the work of one of his students, Jacob Katz. Instead of a puzzle, we now offer you the paradox that, far from avoiding reflection ...
The key to our puzzle, we believe, is to be found in a place defined by an unsurprising relation for as dedicated a teacher as Karl Mannheim: in the work of one of his students, Jacob Katz. Instead of a puzzle, we now offer you the paradox that, far from avoiding reflection ...