Many of his officers, soldiers and propagandists were Jews as well as getting financial support from the Rothschild Jewish bankers. Nazi means Ashkenazi, the Jews that rule Germany. Chosen people = “master race” the phrase used by both the Nazis and the early leaders of Israel. The Jews ...
It has been rumored that satellites have revealed a large cavity in the ground, where it is believed, Israel was machine-gunning Egyptian soldiers as prisoners of war and then burying their bodies in this cavity or grave? The hypothesis is that the Liberty was getting too close to this site...
However, one area in which I do believe Kubrick and Abrams had strong overlap in their world views is their interest in the anti-Jewish portion of the WW2 holocaust and its implications about history and human nature. Nathan’s articleKubrick and the Paranoid Style: Antisemitism, Conspiracy The...
Kenaz was insulted by his soldiers who thought that he was sending them off to battle while he stayed behind in safety. To show his soldiers that this wasn’t true, Kenaz arranged an early attack on the Amorites by just a small group of...
Yet, here it is, and this is amazing: from their respective points of view WW2 was the “Unnecessary War” because of Churchill. I must get this book. For all that may be said pro and con about Hitler in any other perspective, my hope and my prayer that the good German people of...
The banning of minarets in Switzerland. In Australia we have our newspapers littered with detritus writings of Jewish citizens proclaiming Israel as an ideal nation, on a fortnightly basis. In Afghanistan the US soldiers fighting there observed Remembrance Day for the Jews this week. jackfrost ...
Thousands of Jewish war mules, I mean, American soldiers were wounded or killed in “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” in the first days of the invasion, which commenced on Purim in 2003, just so the Jews could have a catered kosher Passover Seder in “Saddam’s Palace” thirty days later, and...