柏林犹太博物馆新楼由Daniel Libeskind建造,博物馆外墙全部由镀锌铁皮包裹,整座建筑不像是一座博物馆,更像是一座监牢。Libeskind在建筑的外立面切割出许多交叉长条形,这些触目惊心的线条在镀锌铁皮的外墙映衬下,如同锋利的伤口,揭示着犹太民族曾经受过的苦难和屠虐。 柏林犹太博物馆外墙 建筑师将内部空间则分成三条路线:...
1、Introduction:(犹太人博物馆 )Jewish Museum was built in 1993 to 1995, show there are Jews in Germany, nearly two thousand years of history. Architect Daniel Libeskind said his design for the "Between the Lines" (two lines / lines). Building collapse on many occasions, consist...
Daniel Libeskind, by happenstance or design, has practically become the official architect of Jewish museums worldwide, but that trajectory was near its beginning when he received the commission, in 1998, for San Francisco's Contemporary Jewish Museum (CJM). His Jewish Museum Berlin [record, ...
当代犹太博物馆 Contemporary Jewish Museum *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!当代犹太博物馆由建筑师Daniel Libeskind设计,大楼内部可以布置展览,举办表演及媒体艺术等活动,并含有3500平方英尺的空间可以作为教育场地。钢包层形状的延伸,是基于希伯莱字母“?”和“?”两方面的象征,合起来是生命的意思。
当代犹太博物馆 Contemporary Jewish Museum 内涵丰富的“蓝魔方”首页 全部景点 当代犹太博物馆 外形呈独特几何构造,内部展览丰富多彩。 位于旧金山南市场区(South Of Market)米申街(Mission St)旁,叶巴贝那公园的西北端。博物馆由一座电站改造扩建而成。建筑师丹尼尔•利伯斯金(Daniel Libeskind)负责了博物馆的...
It’s been nearly twelve years since visitors first experienced the emotionally charged design of Daniel Libeskind’s Jewish Museum Berlin. Since then,...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Jewish Museum at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Located in one of the oldest parts of Copenhagen in Denmark, the Danish Jewish Museum is housed in a former 17th-century boathouse and library built by King Christian IV. Studio Libeskind designed the new interior space, while preserving the historic building. ...
Daniel Libeskind’s design, which was created a year before the Berlin Wall came down, was based on three insights: it is impossible to understand the history of Berlin without understanding the enormous contributions made by its Jewish citizens; the meaning of the Holocaust must be integrated in...
Jewish Museum, Berlin Jewish Museum Berlin is one of the largest Jewish Museums in Europe. In three buildings, two of which are new additions specifically built for the museum by architect Daniel Libeskind, two millennia of German-Jewish history are on display in the permanent exhibition as well...