While concerns about antisemitism in Europe are at record highs and more Jews are considering moving to Israel than ever before in the post-war era, so far most Jewish migration is to take advantage of better economic opportunities in Israel....
Media, politics, and Jewish migration from East Europe amid the military crisis in Ukraine, 2014–2015Over the course of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the identity of the global Russian-speaking Jewish community was put to the test. The conflict in Ukraine marked the first time in the history...
After World War I the Allies denied Germany colonies in Africa, so Hitler sought to expand German territory and secure food and resources—scarce during World War I—in Europe itself. Hitler viewed the Jews as racial polluters, a cancer on German society in what has been termed by Holocaust ...
But there were further changes after the war. The Moslem countries emptied out, and the world Jewish population has continued to consolidate over time in fewer countries with large urban Jewish populations over time. The main counter trend in Europe has been Germany, with a large Russian immigran...
With the rise of Fascism in Europe, the project was put on hold, but after the Second World War, thanks to the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B’nai B’rith and major newspapers like the New York Times, the plan was accepted by the United States Government. The...
Currents and Currencies: Russian Jews, the Business of Mass Migration and the Shifting Borders Of Jewish Eastern Europe, 1868-1914Kobrin, Rebecca
Jesus is also not responsible for the hatred of the Christian masses in Europe for Jews who mocked their faith and cheated their societies that had provided a kind refuge for Jews of the Diaspora. The Talmud is filled with filthy slander against Jesus, Mary, and all Christians. What does ...
Profit vs. Philanthropy? Jacob Schiff, Albert Ballin, and Jewish Mass Migration from Eastern Europe, 1890-1914Brinkmann, Tobias
and other parts of Eastern Europe and the Balkans witnessed most of their Jews emigrating. Large numbers of Jews also left Latin America and South Africa, and to a lesser extent the United Kingdom and other European countries. Major recipients of Jewish migration–besides Israel–were the United...
Julia BernsteinRussian Food Stores and their Meaning forJewish Migrants in Germany and IsraelHonor and ‘Nostalgia’This article deals with the special meaning of food practices in the migrationprocess taking as a prismofRussian food stores which have turned out to be verypopular among ex-Soviet Je...