Jewish Home and Hospital Lifecare System Jewish Home for the Aging Jewish Home of San Francisco Jewish Hospital Health Network Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services Jewish Hospital Medical Center South Jewish Immigrant Aid Services of Canada Jewish Impact Films Fellowship Jewish in Northern Virginia Jewish... (BJL) is proud to partner with STAR-K CERTIFICATION that realizes that there is no substitute for a person’s own Rav. In an effort to offer a possible solution, it has launched its Institute of Halachah as a public service. Over the years, the agency’s Kashrus...
Born to parents who were members of the Children of God religious group, his early life was marked by a nomadic existence, traveling through Central and South America. His family eventually settled in Los Angeles, where Phoenix began his acting career at the tender age of eight alongside his ...
Through the analysis of some Jewish jokes, humor's strategies are seen as a way of dealing with the challenges posed to Jewish life. Jewish humor's strategy is complex and articulated: it does not "censor" accusations, it appears to "embrace" the accusation, making it less powerful with ...
Amy and Michael built the house on Lake Jackson to get the kids outside more and build lifetime memories all within an hour’s drive // Photo by Kate Kolouris Enter Jacobs. “I found Stephanie on the Jewish Moms of Atlanta Facebook page. We conveyed that we wanted to take some risks...
I have always been a faithful person, and when your brother made me a mother I was brought to my knees by the awesome honor and responsibility of passing on life. But it wasn’t until I had a daughter that I truly understood the sacred power of the feminine. ...
On the Shabbat morning of October 27, 2018, a white suprem-acist killed eleven people and wounded seven at the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Squirrel Hill area of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was the deadliest terrorist attack on a Jewish target in American history. The gunman was motivated ...
12/24/09: ObamaCare: Freedom on Life Support 12/17/09: ObamaCare: Does It Cover 'Stupidity'? 12/10/09: The Lessons of Tiger Woods 12/03/09: ClimateGate: NPR Sees Silver Lining 11/26/09: Katie Rhymes for Health Care Reform 11/19/09: Senate, Help Your President --- Deep...
I have always been a faithful person, and when your brother made me a mother I was brought to my knees by the awesome honor and responsibility of passing on life. But it wasn’t until I had a daughter that I truly understood the sacred power of the feminine. ...
It’s especially important now with health care systems under strain, and with people in higher-risk situations such as crowded, indoor settings for extended periods, says Linsey Marr, who studies viruses at Virginia Tech. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently updated its...