List of High Priests. 1. Aaron 2. Eleazar 3. Phinehas 4. Abishua 5. Bukki 6. Uzzi (I Chron. vi. 3-5) With Eli the high-priesthood passes from the line of Eleazar to that of Ithamar: Old Testament.Josephus. 7. Eli Eli 8. Ahitub (I Chron. ix. 11) Ahitub 9. Ahiah (I ...
News Local News Associated News Israel News National News International News Traffic & Weather Finance Letter To the Editor Editor Biographies 9/11 Anniversary Shaya Gross, z'l Terror in Har Nof HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein, z'l Family ...
© Baltimore Jewish Life 2009 - 2025Send News! 6:28 am 6:06 pm Emergency Contacts 410.486.9000 410.358.5555 410.664.6927 Send Us News! 410.358.0000 410.358.9999 Menu Account Create an Account News Local News Associated News Israel News National News International News Traffic...
(Mar 12) Priests with the Russian Airborne Troops will take a crash course next week to operate the world’s only paradrop Orthodox Christian church, the military said. The one-week course for the priests, many of whom are experienced paratroopers with more than 500 jumps, will take place ...
According to the Talmud (Tamid iii. 6, vi. 1-3), the ceremony was as follows: After completing the preparations for the morning's burnt offering, such as the cleaning of the altar, etc., two priests removed the ashes from the altar of burnt offering and the lamps; then the ...
The beginning of the month in the Babylonian calendar was determined by the direct observation by priests of the young crescent moon at sunset after the astronomical New Moon. This custom is remembered in Judaism and ʾIslām with the principle that the new calendar day begins at sunset. In ...
Of all the numerous blessings we recite daily there is only one that not only addresses G-d directly but refers to G-d sitting on His כסא הכבוד — Throne of Glory, which we are taught is situated in the Mikdash upon high, that is aligned with the one on earth...
“The more vaccines that have high efficacy that we can get into play, the better,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said ahead of the FDA’s ruling. Read more at WBALLocal News | 5 hours ago Photo Essay Of HaRav Shaul Alter, Shlita, Delivering His Key...
However when the high priests sins or all the majority of the Jewish nation or indeed on Yom Kippur we must seek a higher form of dedication to Hashem and sprinkle the blood inside the temple on the inner altar and actual curtain to the holy of holies. ...
Korah rebelled against the authority of Moses, and of the Levites, priests by the choice of God. The Canaanites practised incest and immorality: "For they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them" (Lev. xx. 23); "But for the wickedness of these nations the Lord thy...