Reunion for those in VA COUNCIL BBYO (Richmond, VA Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Petersburg) who graduated in the 70's and 80's. Bynweissmann26 2/4/2025 “The bride is beautiful” stories analyzed The ubiquity of “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man” stories presen...
is a consultant for Jewish Family Services in Richmond, VA. After struggling with infertility for several years, she and her husband, Jonathan, are the thankful parents of Eliana (age 3) and Akiva (age 1). This article is based on a paper presented at workshops in the spring of 1993 ...
In 1798 the Collmus family arrived from Bohemia; and in 1808 the six sons of Israel J. Cohen came, with their mother, from Richmond, Va. The Cohens and the Ettings played a prominent part in the history of Baltimore Jewry, and in that of the city also. Both families acquired an envi...
C., in the same year; in the following year, one in Richmond, Va.; in 1845 this movement spread to New York, being taken up first by the Emanuel Society, although the Shearith Israel congregation had started a Hebrew school system as early as 1808. In 1840 Mordecai M. Noah, a well...
Bnei Zion Medical Center, (Emeritus) The Rappaport Family Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 23774, Israel * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2021,18(23), 12628; ...