Some think "'ore-bim" (ravens) refers to the inhabitants of Oreb (Gen. R. xxxviii. 5; Ḥul. 5a; so also the Jewish teacher of Jerome in his commentary on Isa. xv. 7). The ravens brought meat to Elijah from the kitchen of the pious Jehoshaphat (Tan., ed. Buber, iv. 165; ...
Jerome, too, renders "Tarshish" by "sea" in many instances; and in his commentary on Isaiah (l.c.) he declares that he had been told by his Jewish teachers that the Hebrew word for "sea" was "tarshish." In Isa. xxiii. 1 the Septuagint, and in Ezek. xxvii. 12 both the ...
Some thoughts on the Gaza War as it enters its 4th monthWed, Feb 7, 2024 Add a plot Rate Add image The Prosposed Jewish University in Mantua at the Time of MoscatoSun, Feb 11, 2024 Add a plot Rate Add image R' Yehudah Moscato and his Commentary, Kol Yehudah, on the KuzariMon, ...
He has published 12 books on humor based on his more than 4,000 blog postings, each of which includes a video clip and his commentary. He has presented more than 100 programs in South Florida and the Northeast on topics that include the great comedians and entertainers of the 20th century...
Here at chez Bro Nathanael you get the best in news and commentary. This site has become a virtual living encyclopedia of real Jewish history. If someone came to me from another planet and told me they wanted to learn everything about Jews, I would be obligated to give them this website...
My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help Donate Commentary on Parashat Re'eh, Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17 The haftarah selection is from Isaiah 54:11-55:5. In the seven weeks after Tisha B’Av we read a series of haftarot from the book of Isaiah that focus on ...
For me, this has heightened the impression of the strong editorial work of the student compilers, each parsha standing out as a comprehensive and coherent statement as part of the commentary’s larger conceptual arc. The ME’OR ‘EINAYIM is Cossack Baroque Early Hasidism is Ukrainian or, more...
Rashbam’s commentary on Genesis 22:1. 30. BT Bava Batra 15b. 31. Mahzor Rinat Israel le-Rosh Ha-Shanah(Nusah Sefarad), ed. S. Tal (Jerusalem: Moreshet, 1986), 200 [Heb]. 32. The Koren Shalem Siddur(Jerusalem: Koren, 2017), 34. ...
that deals with the laws of gossip and slander; Sh'mirat HaLashon (“Guarding of the Tongue“), is a discussion of the philosophy behind the Jewish concepts of power of speech and guarding one's speech; Mishna Berura (“Clarified teachings“) is an important commentary, on a section of ...
) were known prior to the publication of Ibn Balaam's commentary on Isaiah ("R. E. J." xxii. 202) A responsum of Hai given in this commentary discloses his opinion on the subjects of divine fore-knowledge and the predestined length of human life. The essence of divine prescience seems...