of Jesus. Perhaps much more so than many Gentiles and so-called 'Christians.' I might add that the approach of Jews to Christianity can only be made via the Message of Jesus...There is now a growing sense of inquiry here [in Israel], concerning the things of Jesus and Christianity. Th...
Some Rabbis through the centuries have placed their belief in Y’shua or Jesus as the promised Messiah. Their short biographies or testimonies are on this website.
Sorry, but I can’t stand that clingy, wimpy “Jesus will save me and make it all better!” cop-out— but at least this guy DOES have faith in GOD. The point is, people: stop putting MEDIATORS in charge. It’s YOUR soul! YOU steer, YOU drive, YOU reach YOUR destination! YOU ...
This website has video testimonies of Jewish Christians or Messianic Jewish people who believe that Jesus or Y’shua is the Messiah.
This website has teaching and testimony videos by Jewish people who believe that Jesus or Y’shua is the Messiah.
What is Shabbos/Shabbat? Why don’t Jews believe in Jesus? How does the Jewish Calendar work? Why are Jewish Women allowed to wear wigs? The Chosen People The history behind it. Is it still true today? Why choose us? Who is included in this?
Zev Garber, distinguished scholar of Judaica and editor of The Jewish Jesus, dedicates this volume to its "courageous and devoted" contributors: "Jews, who practice the faith of Jesus, and Christians, who believe by faith in Jesus. By the authority of Torah and Testament, they merge as one...
Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth, A Raised in a traditional Jewish family, international television host Jonathan Bernis was taught from a young age that "Jews don't--and can't!--believe in Jesus." Yet in his study of the Bible, including the Torah, he found overwhelming e... J Bern...
Jewish bodybuilder goes from New Age to new life in Yeshua! Watch Testimony » The Kooks Met Messiah Watch Testimony » Broadway producer takes the narrow way Watch Testimony » Jewish Kirt Schneider was locked up by his own family, only because he said I believe in Jesus!
Why The Jews Hate Jesus Christ Will Jew-Owned Fed Reserve Bank Kill Ron Paul? Will The Jews Provoke WW III In Kosovo? Woodrow Wilson – Pawn Of The Jews World News Wrap Up Zionist Agenda Articles Zionist Bosses Behind The EU Zionist Weapons In Outer Space Pages: About Donate Archiv...