To base upon this amount any calculation as to the number of Jews then living in the kingdom is not possible; the total of 854,951 given by Rios, or that of 850,000 by Grätz, is surely too large, while 233,784, the estimate of Loeb, must be considered too small. There were ...
SAN DIEGO--Friends are honoring retiring Sheriff Bill Kolender (at right) for his 50 years in law enforcement on June 27 at the Hacienda Hotel in Old Town, close to the Sheriff's Museum at 2384 San Diego Avenue, which will be renamed in honor of the Jewish law enforcement official as ...
Even though the exact time when Rodrigues Pinto began living in Nagasaki is unknown, it is known that between 1588 and 1601, he lived in Nagasaki. We also know that he was involved in an important religious controversy in 1598. This controversy had its roots in the San Felipe galleon incide...
(49) Chabad of Downtown San Diego (5) Chabad Telethon (2) Chad Gadya (1) Chai Cancer Care (1) Chaim Cohen (1) Chaim Topol (2) Chair Riders (1) Challah (3) Chamber Music (1) Chanukah (171) Charan-Po-Rantan (1) Chariots of Fire (1) Charles Krauthammer (1) Charles Siquiera ...
To base upon this amount any calculation as to the number of Jews then living in the kingdom is not possible; the total of 854,951 given by Rios, or that of 850,000 by Grätz, is surely too large, while 233,784, the estimate of Loeb, must be considered too small. There were ...