Jewel of Yggdrasil Locations How to Use the Amulet of Yggdrasil The special item known as the Amulet of Yggdrasil can be found partway through the story, as a reward for beating the main boss of Chapter 6 - The Reckoning. After defeating them, you'll automatically pick up this reward...
There are 7 Jewel of Yggdrasil Locations in God of War Ragnarok. Finding all Jewels of Yggdrasil is required to fully repair the Amulet of Yggdrasil for trophy How it’s Going. The Amulet is first unlocked duringMain Mission 06: The Reckoning. It has a total of 9 slots, 2 of which are...
All Jewel of Yggdrasil Locations Midgard and Svartalfheim - Story Quests Two Jewels of Yggdrasil will be obtained through regular story progression--one in Midgard, and the other in Svartalfheim. Each one drops from combat encounters that we won't spoil here. You should have them both if you...