Chris’s longest work, written between 2008-2014 was “Heart Stone: A Tale of Tamara” that traces the pink-haired Jewel Rider from her humble origins on the Heartland Farm to training in both her musical magic and as the next Heart Stone rider under the previous generation of Jewel Riders...
Until now, my time has been occupied with both addressing the immediate needs of the fortress, and putting the right dwarfs in the right places; we must have a functioning ruling party to steady the ship while we sail the seas of reform. The gates of the fortress are shut tight that we...
NCL’s parent company Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., the leading global cruise company which also operates the Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises brands, signed a multi-year agreement with the Panama Tourism Authority, which allows the Company to seasonally homeport at the Colon C...
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