Jewel Changi Airport星耀樟宜机场Singapore Changi Airport is oneof the largest airports in Asia. Ithas been rated the World's BestAirport for the past eight years. Ithas also been considered one ofthe world's cleanest airports.Jewel is an entertainment area inside Changi Airport. It includes gar...
Jewel | Changi Airport, Singapore Location | Singapore Completion | 2018 Opening | April 2019 Client | Changi Airport Group and Capital Malls AsiaLandscape Architect | PWP Landscape ArchitectureArchitect | Safdie ArchitectsRain Vortex | engineered by WET Design.Photography | Tim Hurstley 注:图文来源...
"星耀樟宜"Jewel Changi Airport位于樟宜机场核心位置,是一座13.57万平方米的玻璃环形建筑,建筑高度共有十层,地上地下各五层,是一座集机场设施、景观花园、购物休闲、酒店餐饮等多功能于一体的综合性建筑。 "星耀樟宜"也是一个交通枢纽,可以连接到樟宜机场的1号、2号和3号航站楼,并直接连接到城市的公共交通系统。
Changi Airport EN While we strive to ensure that the operating hours of our shops and eateries are updated in a timely manner, we seek your understanding that information may change as a result of operational considerations. To avoid disappointment, we recommend checking with the respective store/...
"星耀樟宜"Jewel Changi Airport位于樟宜机场核心位置,是一座13.57万平方米的玻璃环形建筑,建筑高度共有十层,地上地下各五层,是一座集机场设施、景观花园、购物休闲、酒店餐饮等多功能于一体的综合性建筑。 "星耀樟宜"也是一个交通枢纽,可以连接到樟宜机场的1号、2号和3号航站楼,并直接连接到城市的公共交通系统。
由萨夫迪建筑事务所(Safdie Architects)设计的星耀樟宜(Jewel Changi Airport)自去年建成后,不但吸引了更多游客来访,也拓宽了人们对机场的概念。由地上5层和地下5层构成的星耀樟宜大楼坐落在机场中心,除了连接三座航站楼,也是集合多种设施、购物娱乐和自然景观的综合建筑。葱郁茂盛的植物让人仿佛置身雨林,从屋顶40米垂...
Jewel Privileges Programme WELCOME TO JEWEL CHANGI AIRPORT Watch the video to find out more
Jewel Changi Airport | #新加坡探城记# 不管是起飞前还是落地后,无论是出入境新加坡还是在樟宜机场过境转机,一定要来打卡星耀樟宜的“雨漩涡”瀑布,看完水舞声光秀再走! 🌃由洛杉矶水景专家WET打造,星耀樟...
电邮: Changi Rewards 查询 会员资格和积分查询,请点击此处。 Contact Name * Email address * Phone number (optional) Please select your reason for contacting us today --无-- Nationality Singaporean Subject * Your Message * By proceeding, I agree to Jewel’s Pri...
⭐地点:星耀樟宜Jewel Changi airport 🚦地址:Jewel Changi airport T1对面🚚交通:1.🚇地铁坐Downtown line 到Expo站 转EW line绿线坐一站到Changi Airport站B口出 或2.EW line绿线到 tanah Merah站 再转 同一条...