Hanukkah (光明节) is a Jewish festival.It is celebrated on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev (犹太教历),which is usually sometime in December.It is often called the festival of lights.The festival celebrates the time,over 2,000 years ago,when the Jewish people fought against ...
Hanukkah Usurps Christmas! Jews Murder Gentile Babies In USA! Jews & Their Guilt Of Deicide Will Jew-Owned Fed Reserve Bank Kill Ron Paul? Sex Peddling Jews Jewish Bankers & Their Agenda State Of Israel: Not Biblical Prophecy! Jews: Their Money & Their Control – Pt I Jewish Murderers Of...
Hanukkah Usurps Christmas! Jews Murder Gentile Babies In USA! Jews & Their Guilt Of Deicide Will Jew-Owned Fed Reserve Bank Kill Ron Paul? Sex Peddling Jews Jewish Bankers & Their Agenda State Of Israel: Not Biblical Prophecy! Jews: Their Money & Their Control – Pt I Jewish Murderers Of...
Who celebrates Hanukkah? What is a Bat Mitzvah? What is Christian Orthodox theology? What is a Coptic Christian? What language is the Torah in? What is a Shabbat dinner? What religion are the Passamaquoddy? Who was the first patriarch of Judaism? What is a naming ceremony in Judaism? What...
This Friday, December 16th, there will be a Hanukkah Celebration in the new Pentagon Memorial Chapel. Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff, Special Assistant to the SECAF and CSAF for Values and Vision is the special guest speaker! Come join the Jewish Community in celebrating this special event. Comp...
« Trump Takes The Kosher Seal How Putin Celebrates Christmas » 56 CommentsBrother Nathanael December 15, 2015 @ 5:34 pm Watch This NEW Video Worldwide & In All EU Countries CENSOR FREE: Hillary Slams Trump On Muslim Ban @ http://brothernathanaelchannel.com/watch_video.php?v=1134 ...